Letters 2008
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We don't claim ownership of letters or articles submitted like some hoity toity e-rags of retentive publishers do.
We may edit some typos, but won't trash yer obvious spellings for vernacular effect or those of other languages.
I myself mostly speak the Enlish Mangleage

Photos may be attached or snail mailed
Sadi Synn
P.O.B. 134
Seldovia Ak 99663-0134

On Wed, 7/16/08, brian slover  wrote:

Subject: letter to the editor "lollipop park"

Date: Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 9:41 AM

Chris wheeler posted a statement of position re guarding lollipop park at the entrance of his store the other day, I was informed by Chris that this in an on going situation that he's not going to back down. His statement to me was " I have a moral obligation to do the right thing for the kids that don't know the difference"  And I have to side with him, My 20 years as a corpsman being trained in environmental health to monitor the conditions on ships speak's that he's right! Its one thing to have creosote pilings weeping contamination into the water that gets carried away with the tide, but to allow this contamination to accumulated in the soil where kids will play in unacceptable, Chris not only points out the problem but  he also gives and example of what can be done  to shore up the rock wall, by using rock, and posted this example next to his statement of position, The EPA has all ready told city leadership to remove this material years ago, and now they disregard and move forward with a plan that in the end will be an embarrassment and cost $ to undo under the watch full eye of this agency, sound like a wise choice. What has happened to leadership with in this city, do members pour a big bowl pride, topped with arrogance when the greet each morning in our little Paradise? If so it's time for new blood, I feel that the graduating class of 08 who have a vested interest in Seldovia for the long hall could run for a seat and displace this lack of common sense, and cooperation.  any takers?                   Brian Slover

                                                                                                   HM1/ USN/ Retired

From:Crystal Collier 
Date: 04/08/2008 08:52 PM

Hi Sadi

Thanks for SHARING...great memories, photos!

Keep them coming!


Problaby late August of this year.......

Date: 04/03/2008 11:28 PM

 I was in the Coast Guard in Alaska from October 1959 to April of 1961.
 I was on the USCG Cutter Sedge,and we visited Seldovia several times during that period, but I don't remember much about it except that I drank a lot of beer.

'Tis still a good watering hole, at least we still have the Linwood Bar. Knight Spot closed forever, Lodge burned down, Surf club faded after the 64 Quake, only one is allowed now as the old grand-fathered-in bars closed. 'Tis a good'n, tho.

Ride a hog, do ye?

Not much gonna hit these pages 'til fall..... but it ain't a dead deal. The whole urban renewal in photos is comin'. Tune in later, appreciate the letter.

Sadi "Captain MadLooone DeSade" Synn